JL Memorial Scholarship

My name is Starla Owens, the proud mother and gold star mother of Specialist Joseph Lancour. Joe was a 2004 graduate of Ludington High School, who joined the military in 2006 and paid the ultimate sacrifice in 2007 when he was killed in action.

Joe as he was known by his friends and family, believed in education, giving back and paying it forward.  He believed that education was an important key to life and Joe himself wanted to further his own education after his service in the Army.  That is why the Joe Lancour Memorial Scholarship was established.

Setting the criteria for the scholarship:  Joe was a not much into learning by the book but more of a hands on type of kid. He loved dreaming, drawing, and coming up with invention ideas. He was an average student, he carried a 2.0 GPA , he played football, wrestled, took home economics,  and a jewelry making class during his JR High and High School years. He loved to make people laugh, always shared a smile, played jokes on his family and friends and he plainly just loved life. His giving heart, paying it forward and his dream of one day attending college helped to set the criteria for the scholarship.


Joe Lancour Memorial Scholarship Criteria: Students needs to see their guidance counselors at Ludington High School, carry a 2.0 GPA or above, financial need and plan on pursuing a degree in any Health/Medical Field.

The scholarship is established through Community Foundation for Muskegon County and Ludington High School; each year one student is picked for the scholarship. For the last 9 years I have been blessed to have awarded 7 students the scholarship which I hope has helped them in their education.  

Each year the amount awarded varies, so as Joe’s mother and a personal goal, I would love to see that scholarship amount double or triple and maybe even help more students who are reaching for their dreams.

As Joe would say “Every student should have the opportunity to reach for the stars and achieve their dreams no matter what their dreams are.”

Thank you for visiting today.

God Bless

Starla Owens

Mother/Gold Star Mother of

Joe Lancour (SPC Joseph Lancour)

KIA 11-10-2007